Training Catalog
Counter-IED (C-IED) and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) training consists of interactive classroom and dynamic practical exercise training. Classroom training, for most training modules, makes up 15%-20% of the offered training. The majority of the training has the students involved in practical exercises designed to capture the student’s interest and make best use of their training day with little, unscheduled, down time. Training scenarios are carefully scripted to highlight specific learning objectives and the use of various EOD and C-IED tools.
All of our instructors use the crawl, walk, and run approach to safely conduct training. Each training module is designed and placed within the training program schedule to build off of previously taught training modules. Historically this has shown a higher learning curve for the students. The C-IED training utilizes lessons learned from experienced EOD instructors from various IED environments. Training scenarios are realistic, based on past IED incidents, current insurgent tactics, techniques and procedures. Utilizing realistic IED training devices that look and function like IEDs found in the areas students will operate in further enhances ICAD’s C-IED and EOD training.
Students receive immediate feedback from their instructors both verbally and written post exercise evaluations. These evaluations allow the students to quickly learn the safest C-IED and EOD operating practices as soon as possible.
Each phase of training has written exams and practical assessments to ensure there is a constant measurement of learning and understanding of course curriculum. The test metrics enable ICAD instructors to identify struggling students that may need extra training. Copies of the metrics training will be provided to the client for review. The results will be entered into individual student's training portfolio for end of course and individual student performance evaluations. ICAD C-IED training can be aligned with the host nation's EOD doctrine.
ICAD C-IED Instructors are all former US EOD technicians. All Instructors have 20+ years of EOD experience. All ICAD instructors have operating experience within the United States, and various non-permissive battlefield environments to include; Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans. ICAD Instructors have been qualified as Master Training Specialists, based on the US Navy's instructor qualification system.
A short overview of each course is provided below with a listing of specific skill sets trained throughout the course. Each course can be modified to meet the client’s needs.
ICAD EOD Course 001 – Basic Counter-IED (C-IED) Awareness
Overview: Students will gain the skills necessary to react to an IED threat and help support C-IED missions and EOD
missions. Non-EOD personnel are critical in searching for and locating IEDs. Safe search procedures are taught to accomplish this. Non-EOD personnel are taught to recognize IED components, understand
basic IED types and functioning as well as most likely targeting procedures utilized by criminals that emplace the IEDs. Students are also taught how to properly conduct operations at Entry Control
Points (ECP) to maximize force protection on military, police and critical government and commercial installations.
Target Audience:
This training is intended to educate non-EOD qualified personnel who may encounter IEDs in their operational environment.
Concept: 2 Weeks Duration
Basic C-IED Awareness
Device type by function
Explosive Effects
Home Made Explosives and Detonators
Situational Threat Assessments
Review of available INTEL assets
Incorporating INTEL into Operational Orders
IED Site Security Procedures
Threat Assessment
Security Implementation Procedures
Tactical Questioning
Scene Documentation
Entry Control Point (ECP) Procedures
Design Types
Personnel Inspection
Vehicle Inspection
Canine Assets
ICAD EOD Course 002 - Basic IED-Defeat (Low Threat Environment)
This training focuses on internal IED threats relative to student’s own country or that have been observed in the regions that could easily migrate to the student's country. This training will enable the students to safely and remotely render safe IEDs with little collateral damage to civilians and surrounding areas.
Target Audience:Basic IED-Defeat training is the beginner's course for EOD technicians that have prior, formal EOD training but little to no IED-D experience. Commanders and staff are encouraged to observe classroom and scenario training.
Concept: 6 Weeks Duration
Basic IED Awareness
1. Initiation Systems
2. Home Made Explosives
IED Electronics
IED Emplacement Techniques
Threat Assessment at IED Incident Sites
IED Incident Site Control Procedures
Basic X-ray Techniques
IED-Defeat Tools
1. Energetic Tools
i. Commercially Available
ii. Improvised
2. Non-Energetic
i. Hook and Line
ii. Robotics
iii. Hand Tools/Other
IED Render Safe Procedures
1. Damage Mitigation/Protective Works
IED Post Blast Procedures
1. Forensic Collection
2. Site Processing and Reporting
ICAD EOD Course 003 - Advanced IED-Defeat (High Threat Environment)
Overview: The intent of the advanced course is to train the students to safely negotiate and conduct IED Defeat
operations in a High Threat IED environment. Training will ensure a higher survivability rate for students operating in known IED contaminated areas. Students will utilize CIED knowledge with best
tactical movement practices, dismounted and with vehicles. IED Defeat operational skills originate from best tactical practices used
by Coalition/ISAF forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Target Audience: The Advanced IED-Defeat course is typically only taught to students that have attended the Basic IED-Defeat course.
Concept: 3 Weeks Duration
Tactical Considerations during IED Incidents
Tactical Movement
Immediate Action – React to Attacks
2. Security Element Coordination
3. Nighttime EOD Operations
High Threat IED Render Safe Procedures
High Threat Post Blast Procedures
Overview of Attacking the IED Networks
ICAD EOD Course 004 – IED Electronics (IEDE)
Overview: The IED electronics course is a basic electronics course detailing the types of components found in IED circuits. These are the kinds of circuits that make up switching components in RCIEDs, VOIEDs, Firing and Safe Arming devices.
This course covers the design,
construction and exploitation of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and reveals why modern electronics offer the terrorist a huge range of options for device design and construction. Assuming no
previous knowledge of electronics, this course provides practical knowledge of devices such as collapsing circuits (traditional and solid state), modification of commercial technologies for use in
IEDs and remote-controlled IEDs (RCIEDs), radio frequency (RF) circuits and coding systems, including dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF).
Target Audience: The IEDE Course is presented to students that have attended a Basic IED-Defeat course and require sustainment training on IED Electronics.
Concept: 1-Week Duration
IED Electronic Theory and Ohms
Switches and Simple Circuits
Batteries and Resistors
Relays and Capacitors
Simi Conductors
Bi-Polar Transistors
IC Timers
ICAD EOD Course 005 – EOD (Un-Exploded Ordnance) UXO Operations
Overview: The EOD UXO operations training course introduces EOD students to military ordnance found specifically in the client’s inventory. Students will gain a basic understanding of types of UXOs, associated render safe procedures, EOD UXO tools, safety precautions and UXO disposal procedures.
Target Audience: Beginning
EOD students, with little to no experience with UXOs, should attend this course.
Concept: 8 Weeks Duration
Basic Explosive Theory
Explosive Types
Explosive safety, transport and storage
Basic Demolition procedures
Ordnance types:
Ordnance ID
UXO Safeties
Fuzing types:
Fuzing ID
Fuzing Safeties
UXO Publications
UXO Reconnaissance and Reporting:
Threat Assessment
UXO Operational Planning
UXO Operational Prioritization
UXO Protective Works
UXO Tools
Explosive Tools
Mechanical Tools
Hook and Line
Air 2:
Bomb Racks
Sub-munitions Dispensers
Ejection Seats
Introduction to UXOs utilized in IEDs followed by Culmination Exercises
ICAD EOD Course 006 - Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN)
Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense incorporate protective measures taken in situations in which any of these four
hazards are present. CBRN defense consists of CBRN passive protection, contamination avoidance and CBRN mitigation. CBRN agents can cause mass destruction through gross contamination of sites and
populace in and moving through CBRN attack sites. CBRN incidents are responded to under the assumption that they are deliberate, malicious acts with the intention to kill, sicken, and/or disrupt
society. Evidence preservation, sampling identification and decontamination are the main focus of this training. The training familiarizes students with CBRN material, associated hazards and safe
procedures for neutralizing those hazards.
Target Audience: EOD students with little to no CBRN experience. Students should have already been trained in EOD (Un-Exploded Ordnance) UXO Operations.
Concept: 3 Weeks Duration
Overview of:
Chemical Agents
Biological Agents
Nuclear Materials
Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) & Toxic Industrial Materials (TIMs)
CBRN Military Weapons
Detection/Identification of CBRN
Chemical Agents
Biological Agents
Radiological Materials
Chemical Weapons Labs
Biological Weapons Labs
Radiological Dispersion Devices
Improvised Nuclear Devices (IND)
Lab Prosecution Safety
Detection Equipment
Sampling Techniques and Tools
ICAD EOD Course 007 – CBRN Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) (Advance CBRN)
Overview: The course
differs from the basic CBRN course by covering topics essential to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and HME relevant to a facility designed to produce CBRN weapon systems. Inherent to these
kinds of facilities are processes such as distillation processes, biological agent cultivation and radiological agent processing from medical labs and X-Ray Diagnostics facilities. This course enables
students with a basic CBRN understanding to safely prosecute
a CBRN production facility.
Target Audience: Military and civilian EOD, Intelligence and CBRN technicians/Hazmat personnel
Concept: 1 =Week Duration
ICAD EOD Course 008 - Underwater Hazardous Devices (UHD)
The UHD course focuses on mitigating the threat of underwater explosive charges placed on ships and waterfront facilities within anchorages and harbors.
This course will be continually updated to reflect the evolving threat, friendly TTPs, and unit training requirements. Student feedback, Lessons Learned
submissions, and unclassified operational reports will be used to maintain the relevancy of this course.
Target Audience: Relevant to all personnel who will be operating in an explosive hazards environment. Training time is dependent on number of students to be trained, unit training time available, and classroom capacity. Early coordination with the client site lead can facilita
te resolution of conflicting requirements for training resources.
Concept: 2 Weeks Duration
UHD Explosive Theory, Blast Effects, Characteristics and Safety Precautions
ICAD EOD Course 009 - EOD Internal Training Development Program
The EOD Internal Training Development Program is a series of organization activities designed to enable the client's EOD training program to become self- sustaining. Training personnel will learn
instructional fundamentals that will increase the student’s understanding and will increase the amount of information retained on all subject matter taught. Training personnel will learn how to
collect metrics to enrich their curriculum and keep it up to date to maintain currency and relevancy as trainers. Re-integration of operational personnel into the training cadre will be discussed and
dissected in instructor led conversations. ICAD training personnel will seamlessly integrate the EOD Internal Training Development Program into the client’s current training
Target Audience: Relevant to all personnel who will trainers or those in designated training or train the trainers programs.
Concept: 5 Weeks Duration
Train the Trainer Program
Curriculum Development
Instructor Qualification
Basic Instructor
Senior Instructor
Master Instructor
Instructor Sustainment training
Visual Feedback Aids
Student Metrics Collection
Creation/Updating/Tracking of Individual Training Portfolios
Training Program
Creating Training Calendar
Planning, Organizing and Executing Training Events
Planning, Organizing Training Lanes
De-conflicting training calendar issues
ICAD EOD Course 010 - Counter-IED (C-IED) Training for Non-EOD Personnel
Non-EOD personnel are taught to recognize IED components, understand basic IED types and functioning as well as most likely targeting procedures utilized by IED emplacing
personnel. Students are also taught how to properly conduct operations at Entry Control Points (ECP) to maximize force protection. Non-EOD personnel are critical in searching for and locating IEDs.
Safe search procedures are taught to accomplish this.
Target Audience: This training is intended to educate non-EOD personnel to be able to support the C-IED mission.
Concept: 2 Weeks Duration
Basic CMD/CIED Awareness
IED Types
Explosive Types
Home Made Explosives
Safe separation for suspect large vehicle
Large Area Search
Cache Marking
Winthrop Methodology
Entry Control Point (ECP) Procedures
Immediate Reactions to an IED Find
Safe Separation
Emergency Evacuation
Command and Control
ICAD EOD Course 0011 – SOF/SWAT EOD Support – High Threat Environment
The focus of this course is to train EOD technicians to directly support SOF/SWAT forces by providing them immediate EOD capabilities on target. SOF/SWAT commanders and
team elements will be invited to attend/observe classroom training as well as participate in the practical exercises during the course. The participation of SOF/SWAT forces builds a close working
relationship between SOF/SWAT and EOD forces. The participation of the SOF/SWAT leadership empowers the SOF/SWAT Commanders by providing them with a better understanding of EOD capabilities for use
during missions.
Audience: The EOD SOF/SWAT Support training course is typically only taught to students that have attended the Basic and Advanced IED-D training
courses. Only students that meet SOF/SWAT physical fitness requirements should attend this training.
Concept: 4 Weeks Duration
Advanced X-ray Techniques
Hand Entry and Manual Neutralization Techniques
Detonator Diagnostics
Hostage Handling
Direct Support of SOF Forces Best Practices
ICAD EOD Course 012– Operational Planning for Small Unit Leadership in an IED Environment
Overview: This course will teach small unit leaders considerations to include while planning for operating in an IED environment when given a tactical scenario, operations order, and current threat brief.
This course will be continually updated to reflect the evolving threat, friendly TTPs, and unit training requirements. Student feedback and unclassified operational reports will be used to maintain the relevancy of this course.
Target Audience: Relevant to all personnel who will be planning operations in an hazardous IED operating environment.
Concept: 1-Day Duration
ICAD EOD Course 013 – Home Made Explosives (HME)
Overview: This course will teach
personnel the skills necessary to identify potential Homemade Explosives (HME), the associated chemicals, tools and equipment used to make HME, the similarities of HME production to narcotic
production, and how to react to a suspected HME lab. This course will be continually updated to reflect the evolving threat, friendly TTPs, and unit training requirements. Student feedback and
unclassified operational reports will be used to maintain the relevancy of this course.
Target Audience: Relevant to all personnel who will be operating in an explosive hazards environment.
Concept: 1-Day Duration
Identify fertilizers used in Afghanistan.
Identify indicators of homemade explosives production.
Identify homemade explosives mixing facilities.
Describe dual use precursors used in homemade explosives and narcotics.
Describe proper procedures following the discovery of homemade explosives or narcotics.
ICAD EOD Course 014– Robot Operations in an IED Environment
Overview: This course will teach
personnel the skills necessary to assemble, operate, and troubleshoot Robotic Kit as well as function as an operator / spotter team, in order to investigate and assist with standoff visual
identification of IEDs. This course will be continually updated to reflect the evolving threat, friendly TTPs, and unit training requirements. Student feedback and unclassified operational
reports will be used to maintain relevancy of this course.
Target Audience: Relevant to all personnel who may be operating robotics in an explosive hazards environment.
Concept: 1-Week
Conduct pre-operational checks and procedures
Determine the robot’s best avenue of approach to a suspected IED in an operating environment consisting of different types of terrain, man-made and natural obstacles
Operate a robot in different environments and conditions
Perform immediate /remedial actions in order to restore a robot to operable condition
Conduct robotic investigation of suspected IEDs
Recovering a robot to a safe area after IED/UXO operations
Conduct post-operational checks and procedures.
ICAD EOD Course 015 – Metal Detector Operators Course
Overview: This course will teach personnel the
skills necessary to operate metal
detectors in an IED environment.
Target Audience: Private to Sergeant but relevant to all personnel who will be operating metal detectors in an explosive hazards environment.
Concept: 2-Days Duration
Describe how metal detectors function
Describe the difference between mine detectors and metal detectors
State the capabilities and limitations of metal detectors
State general information of the metal detector
Demonstrate the assembling and disassembling of the metal detector
Demonstrate operational procedures of the metal detector
Demonstrate proper sweep techniques for the metal detector
Given a metal detector, locate metallic objects
Given a metal detector, perform investigation to confirm procedures
Fundamentals of hostage rescue
Assessing and planning for high risk operations
Overt and Covert Target approaches
Fundamentals of dynamic entry
Single breach
Multiple breaches
Secure arrival and sweeping at opening of building and proper entry to the structure or courtyard
Fundamentals of Close Quarter Combat (CQB) maneuvers
Team CQB – Multiple team on target dispersion, entry to combat, clearing of enemy forces from building, team exfiltration
Proper employment of canines inside structures
Daytime and nighttime fighting inside a structure
Providing additional security at special events
ICAD Tactical Course 017 – VIP Protection
Overview: The VIP protection training program emphasizes analytical thinking and decision-making optimization under stress in a diverse risk situation. Our training does not restrict itself to just the physical aspects of protection, but extends itself to the ability to analyze an emergency situation and the delivery of the most effective response.
Target Audience: Private to Sergeant to Jr. Officers, but relevant to all personnel who will be operating as a member of a VIP team.
Concept: 30 Day, 60-Day and 90-Day Optional Durations based on client’s needs.
Students will be able to articulate curiculum goals
Students will be able to describe the information necessary to integrate all elements of an executive protective mission into a working field operation.
Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to to undertake threat analysis, including evaluations of external and internal threats.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of proper vehicle, person, and room search techniques.
Consultation and Services: All ICAD courses are continually updated to reflect the evolving threat, changes in friendly/enemy TTPs, weapons intelligence and unit training requirements. Student feedback and unclassified operational reports are used to maintain currency and relevance.
Other EOD/CIED related services provided by ICAD and associates:
TTP Verification and Testing
Advanced Diagnostics RSP Development
Coming soon, Rapid Prototyping and Tool Development using Additive/Subtractive (Printed/CNC)
The ICAD Team
The ICAD Team attracts the most highly motivated and qualified professionals in the Anti/Counter Terrorism industry. We appreciate the importance of high caliber professionals and attract professionals that have extensive EOD and SOF experience at all tier levels throughout the international military and paramilitary organizations that demonstrate the highest degree of self- reliance and program reliability. A Career with our world-class team at ICAD offers unparalleled opportunities for growth with one of America’s finest business organizations.
Integrity - ‘Business garnered with ethical decision making creating a fair and prosperous operating field our clients and partners alike’
ICAD always displays stalwart adherence to high moral principles and professional standards of conduct.
Commitment – ‘Planning and execution designed with redundant systems to guarantee success-Success Planning!’
The pledge of support to our brothers-at-arms and first response communities based on unity of cause, planning, research and execution to achieve the goals of our clientele and the people they serve.
Quality Assurance – ‘Developing Centers of Excellence through diligence, honor, focused practice, training and product development’
Premiere dedication to the services and products delivered to our Customers…Our Guarantee!
ICAD and their associative teams are Equal Opportunity Employers.